
The iframe tag allows you to embed one webpage inside another webpage. The embedded page functions exactly as it would in its own window, other than being embedded in another website.


The above example was produced by this:

<iframe src="https://www.luzerne.edu/" title="LCCC Homepage" height=450 width=800></iframe>

I found this tag on w3schools.com.


The button tag creates a button input on your webpage. Not very interesting on its own, but buttons also have an "onclick" attribute which allows you to make things happen when the button is clicked.


The above example was produced by this:

<button type="button" onclick="alert('You clicked the button didnt you?')">DO NOT CLICK!</button>

I found this tag on geeksforgeeks.org.


This tag is used to embed audio in a webpage.


The above example was produced by this:

<audio controls><source src="https://kappa.vgmsite.com/soundtracks/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-rescue-team-dx/ujtvcicwit/13.%20Pok%C3%A9mon%20Square.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>

I found this tag on blog.duda.co.